




Reasons for Selling

What are the reasons for selling your home? There are a million different reasons why people sell their homes, but every seller has one thing in common: the desire to get as much money as possible from their existing residence as quickly and as hassle-free as possible. (If your...
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Buy or Sell First?

That is tricky. After all, if you find a purchaser for your existing home, before you have found a new one, you may find yourself living out of a suitcase if convenient closing dates can not be negotiated. On the other hand, if you find your dream home before you unloaded the old one, you may be...
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Best Time to Sell

When is the Best Time to Sell Your Home?
Everyone seems to have specific ideas on when the right time is to sell. Some base their theories on the overall economy, while others will tell you that there are key buying months that you'll want to capitalize on. If you're not...

Associated Selling Costs

Are There Costs Involved in Selling?
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Even if you think your home is perfect, you may have to do some minor repairs or upgrades to make your home more attractive to potential purchasers.
A professional home...